Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Life

Life is simply a combination
People we meet
Days we spend it with those people.

People we lived with them
The happiest and saddest days ever.

Days we wish if we could live it again
And days we wish if it didn't happen at all.

People we wish if we could live with them for ever
And people we regretted meeting them,

But the truth is that,

That will keep happening as long as we are alive
And live never stop upon the death of someone you loved
A friend you had to leave
Someone you loved him deeply but he didn't feel your love
Something you liked to do but this doesn't work any more.
Sometimes when any of these happen
We think that
life should stop..........
But it doesn’t.........!!???
That's life

The Hardest thing about moving forward
Is not looking back.

If we want life to move on
We should look forward not behind us